Tuesday, December 14, 2004


"The Bounty", "Rapa Nui", "Lord Of The Flies".
Three movies, three bittersweet endings loaded with unanswered questions about mankind, society, civilization.
Is it the sea? Is it instead the island, small islands surrounded by an infinite ocean, an ocean so big to make you give up on escaping. Pitcairn, Easter Island (or Rapa Nui), and the small inhabited island of "
Lord Of The Flies". Do we need space? Do we need to move from time to time to stay sane, or at least to feel comfortable at the idea we can always do it if we want? Very bad fate cursed the offspring of the Bounty crew in Pitcairn (you might want to check this news out: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3693574.stm ). Was it an environmental and sociological collapse the historical theory expressed in "Rapa Nui"? And what can I say about the kids of "Lord Of The Flies"? Well, I guess you just see the snatch between their built up and improvised society and the rest of the world when you listen to the final sentence of the movie, where a bewildered disbelieved marine officer asked the protagonist: "What're you guys doing!?". My reading of that is in this question: Are we instinctively savage and just worked a couple of millions of years to leave all that behind or is it just that we're easily corruptible? I'm not giving any answer here. But I'm just suggesting you all read this post on "Il Portolano" a blog that really seems to be promising: http://portolano.blogspot.com/2004/12/il-marinaio.html


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