Cinema and Politics
I guess "some" film directors can't resist to make up stories. So if the reality isn't how you like it you can always re-write it in a film and sell it as historical. You might not be able to fool everybody but you're surely going to fool a lot and the movie will still be there, available, in the years, ready to get some new gullible ones.
We got a never ending sequence of fantasy movies dressed as historical ones: Gladiator, Alexander, Troy, ...
Do they think real history might look not appealing to the public? Do they think they need to make it better, give their magic touch to these boring pages of our past at cost of credibility? Why don't they just do stuff like "The Scorpion King" or "Conan the Barbarian"? They'd have the possibility to freely invent there...
But here, once again, we're going to talk about politics, so here it comes this short round up, dedicated to a director that, let's say it frankly, it would have saved us a lot of time if he just sticked to his previous career: actor.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's go fisking Mr George Clooney and the "Balkanization of Hollywood":
We got a never ending sequence of fantasy movies dressed as historical ones: Gladiator, Alexander, Troy, ...
Do they think real history might look not appealing to the public? Do they think they need to make it better, give their magic touch to these boring pages of our past at cost of credibility? Why don't they just do stuff like "The Scorpion King" or "Conan the Barbarian"? They'd have the possibility to freely invent there...
But here, once again, we're going to talk about politics, so here it comes this short round up, dedicated to a director that, let's say it frankly, it would have saved us a lot of time if he just sticked to his previous career: actor.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's go fisking Mr George Clooney and the "Balkanization of Hollywood":
Io i suoi film non vado a vederli. E pensare che c'ha la villa sul lago di Como il malnatt!
Anonymous, at 03 April, 2006 02:58
Fosse per la villa mi fregherebbe il giusto, ma in realtà è il classico radical-chic che crede di aver capito tutto del mondo e della sua economia e politica. Di fatto per lui come per altri vale sempre il detto: "Do as I say, not as I do!". E la cosa comica e che tutti i pecoroni convinti come lui che l'economia sia un gioco a somma zero non hanno nulla a che ridire delle ricchezze di questi falsi profeti. La questione qui non è la sua ricchezza, o i suoi sfarzi, bensì ciò che lui indica al mondo come giusto o sbagliato e ancor peggio, le soluzioni e i nemici che indica. Di fatto quasi vale la regola Veltroniana: qualsiasi cosa dica "il bruco", voi fate il contrario!
Heraclitus, at 03 April, 2006 11:48
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