Sunday, March 25, 2007

Is Climate Influenced By Cosmic Rays and Sun's Magnetic Field?

For a lot of people the terms Cosmic Ray and Sun's Magnetic Field may sound like comic book super heroes weapons. They are not. They are precise astronomical terms.
Ten years ago, Danish scientists Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen proposed a theory that cosmic rays influence Earth's climate through their effect on cloud formation. A few months ago a team at the Danish National Space Center lead by Eigil Friis-Christensen has demonstrated and discovered how this happens.
In the BBC documentary mentioned in my article: A Logical Truth all this is explained.
Some of you may ask why I am spending so much effort and energy in trying to acheive a truth that in most cases, even if proven, might be considered by the most as not useful; for those most part of the population still consider more important to follow blindly a psychotic environmental policy based on a lie due to the fact that in the worst case we have just been prudent, cautious, hence the world would be less polluted.
This is the great tragedy of nowadays. We are so surrounded by technology yet know so little of it that anybody can make us believe almost anything, and the funny thing is that when it comes to climate or astronomy we are like isolated tribes bartering diamonds for little mirrors.
The truth will make you free.
Believing to lead our life, society, planet basing our choices and future decisions on today's AlGorian-Global-Warming-Theory to me is exactly like predicting the future by examining a goat liver or propitiate a good journey by sacrificing a young girl: it's just fool.
Some people should read more Lucretius and less IPCC bulletins; for what De Rerum Natura might have achieved in dismantling the fogs of superstition and uncritical common believes, Mr Gore might succeed today to reanimate them.

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