Sunday, November 20, 2005

When an image tells everything

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I should have already been gone to sleep but I stumbled upon a post that was linking to the transcript of the interview with Bruce Willis at "Rita Cosby: Live And Direct". I'm so surprised to discover how amazing is what Michael Yon referred about his embedded experience in Iraq. The photo above was shot after a terrorist attack. I'm reporting here a part of the transcript, exactly what Michael Yon says about that incident:

"...Well, I shot that photo on a day when a suicide or homicide car bomber ran into one of our Stryker vehicles, injured a couple of our soldiers, and, unfortunately, there were a lot of children who had crowded around to wave at our people.
And the attackers had every opportunity to just wait a couple of blocks and attack our guys later, without the children being around, but instead chose to attack straight through the children.
And Major Bieger, who is in the photo, found the little girl -- her name is Farah -- and decided he wanted to get her to the hospital as quickly as possible.
And so he picked her up, wrapped her in a blanket, and loaded her into one of our vehicles and started to take her to the hospital as fast as possible. And unfortunately, little Farah died en route.
We went back to that neighborhood the next day, and the people there actually welcomed us with open arms. They welcomed us into their homes.
We got into a firefight there again the next day. And the people in that part of the city began to give us more and more information about the terrorists until it got to the point where -- it's very dangerous to be a terrorist now in Mosul, because..."

Yes, I know, TV journalists have the bad bad habit of interrupting a speech in the worst moment.
Anyway, the whole transcript is quite interesting, I suggest to read it all. But you should also read the whole story directly from Michael Yon.


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