Friday, September 16, 2005

Bush all'ONU 20050915

Perdonatemi l'insistenza e ringrazio Enzo Reale per il copia-incolla, ma la ridondanza per un discorso così coraggioso e centrato e assolutamente d'obbligo, se non l'avete ancora fatto, leggetelo e poi riflettete:

"The lesson is clear: There can be no safety in looking away, or seeking the quiet life by ignoring the hardship and oppression of others.

We must defeat the terrorists on the battlefield, and we must also defeat them in the battle of ideas. We must change the conditions that allow terrorists to flourish and recruit, by spreading the hope of freedom to millions who've never known it. We must help raise up the failing states and stagnant societies that provide fertile ground for the terrorists. We must defend and extend a vision of human dignity, and opportunity, and prosperity -- a vision far stronger than the dark appeal of resentment and murder.

Democracy takes different forms in different cultures, yet all free societies have certain things in common. Democratic nations uphold the rule of law, impose limits on the power of the state, treat women and minorities as full citizens. Democratic nations protect private property, free speech and religious expression. Democratic nations grow in strength because they reward and respect the creative gifts of their people. And democratic nations contribute to peace and stability because they seek national greatness in the achievements of their citizens, not the conquest of their neighbors.
For these reasons, the whole world has a vital interest in the success of a free Iraq -- and no civilized nation has an interest in seeing a new terror state emerge in that country.

Il passaggio-chiave sul commercio internazionale e l'eliminazione delle barriere:

We need to give the citizens of the poorest nations the same ability to access the world economy that the people of wealthy nations have, so they can offer their goods and talents on the world market alongside everyone else. We need to ensure that they have the same opportunities to pursue their dreams, provide for their families, and live lives of dignity and self-reliance.
And the greatest obstacles to achieving these goals are the tariffs and subsidies and barriers that isolate people of developing nations from the great opportunities of the 21st century. Today, I reiterate the challenge I have made before: We must work together in the Doha negotiations to eliminate agricultural subsidies that distort trade and stunt development, and to eliminate tariffs and other barriers to open markets for farmers around the world. Today I broaden the challenge by making this pledge: The United States is ready to eliminate all tariffs, subsidies and other barriers to free flow of goods and services as other nations do the same. This is key to overcoming poverty in the world's poorest nations. It's essential we promote prosperity and opportunity for all nations."

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Google Launches Blog Search Beta

"Google on Wednesday September 14th took the wraps off a new search engine devoted to Web logs, or blogs, which is also integrated with the company's Blogger publishing tool. The Blog Search uses RSS feeds to index blog content, and Google says it intends to include as many blogs as possible, including those in foreign languages.

Blog Search enables you to find out what people are saying on any subject of your choice, Soon the company will offer a form for bloggers to manually submit their site, if it isn't automatically picked up."

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Chávez e la folle sinistra de noanttri!!!

Se vi mettete a leggere questo link, che abbiate lo stomaco pieno, ma pieno pieno. Il pericolo è che vi colga una nausea da stretto di Magellano. Procediamo con questo "delicato" fisking delle sue deiezioni.
Con tutto il dovuto rispetto per la signorina Vanni, ma siamo davvero ancora a Marxismi come:

" medio-alta borghesia sia risentita per la soppressione di benefici", un adulto con pollice opponibile può davvero credere a una frase del genere? "...tutte le domeniche si presenta in tv e conduce una sorta di talk show (della durata di sei ore) dove chiunque può interagire con lui, senza filtri di sorta. Questa sarebbe la dittatura più democratica che si sia mai vista!"

...perché se il fesso sono io, e questa è ironia sottile allora sono stressato in questo periodo, perché non mi fa ridere per nulla.

E ora, brace yourselves!!!, ovvero: reggetevi forte!!! Arriva la più contorta, geniale, apocalittica perla di saggezza economica che si sia mai sentita da 5 anni a questa parte:

"...Di distributori di benzina costretti a chiudere avendo Lui (lo Stato) deciso di aprire distributori statali e quindi abbattendo il libero mercato (non dovendo corrispondere a se stesso accise di sorta)."

L'economia è una scienza non è una merendina. Va studiata e capita, non si può leggerla sui volantini del Social Forum. No, non funziona così. Povero Adam (Smith), si starà rivoltando nella tomba.
Ma è mai possibile che se nel frullatore mettete una forma di governo sedicente di sinistra, clima tropicale, un dichiarato odio per gli USA e una zona a piacere del centro o sudamerica per la sinistra europea il risultato è sempre un inebriante e indistinto sogno tropical-vintage-folkloristic-revolutionary-noglobal?