Saturday, February 28, 2009

Are you wondering how it will all end up?

Are you? Well it's understandable, after all the plan changed so many times, first it was "Fixing the mortgage crack", then it became saving the banks, then the automobile sector, now it's EVERYTHING!
Reminds me of a smart kid that con the parents into giving him money for any desire he has.

This article by Mark Steyn says it all...

Mark Steyn: The Incredible Bulk battles the Fat Cats

Latest superhero of Big Government replaces Bailoutman, Mister Stimulus and Captain Recovery.

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UNHRC: is it all a bad joke?

2 years ago I published a video from UNwatch about the intervention by Mr Neuer at the UNHRC (United Nations Human Rights Council).

Today, I publish another powerful video:

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Friday, February 27, 2009

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Still no clue about the Economy?

..and for those of you who still have no clue about the Economy, or have some clues but still can't wrap it all up into a working paradigm describing what in the world is going on in USA with the bailout, the "stimulus", the mortgage crisis, ...

Here is Mark Steyn at his best.

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

La notizia del giorno

Christian Rocca in due righe riporta la notizia più interessante del giorno:

L’Arabia Saudita ha reso noto che undici detenuti che ha ricevuto da Guantanamo e che poi ha liberato dopo un periodo di "riabilitazione" sono tornati a combattere la guerra santa.

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